Tuesday 22 December 2015

Roasted black pepper chicken

This dish can be prepared with or without the glutinous rice stuffing according to personal preference. The glutinous rice recipe provided also makes for a delicious standalone dish if not used as a stuffing!

Ingredients for glutinous rice stuffing (optional):
  • 300g white glutinous rice
  • 40g dried prawns
  • 3 dried mushrooms (soaked, shredded)
  • 1 Chinese sausage (sliced, microwave for 30secs)
  • 3 shallots (sliced)        
  • 1 knob ginger (sliced)
  • 1 stalk Chinese parsley (cut)
  • 2 tbsp oil
Sauce for glutinous rice stuffing:
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp light soya sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • ½  tsp dark soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp shallot
Steps for glutinous rice stuffing:
  • Soaked glutinous rice with 2 cups water for 2-3 hrs.
  • Cook shallot with 2 tbsp oil on High power in a microwave oven for about 3 mins, till golden brown, uncovered. (Stir-in-between)
  • Cook dried prawns on High power for  1 min, next add 1 tbsp shallot oil and cook for another 1-1½ mins, uncovered (using microwave oven to cook)
  • Cook glutinous rice, Chinese sausage, mushroom, dried prawns, ginger, sauce  and some golden brown shallot together with water, set to delicious  mode, next press start. ( stir-in-between cooking time)
  • When ready, stir in Chinese parsley and golden brown shallot.
Ingredients for chicken:
  • 1.4 kg chicken
  • 1 ¾ tsp salt
  • 1½ tbsp black pepper
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp dark soya sauce
  • 1 tsp light soya sauce
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • 2 tsp ginger juice
  • Honey (use for glazing)        
  • Some oil and sesame oil for brushing
Steps for roast chicken:
  • Wash chicken, pierce skin, pat dry with kitchen towel.
  • Seasoned chicken with above ingredients for at least 2 hrs or overnight.
  • Stuff chicken with cooked glutinous rice (optional).
  • Brushed chicken with oil, place on rack so as to allow the underside to brown.
  • If using Panasonic microwave steam oven, set to "Roast chicken" pad, key in weight of chicken, and press "Start" pad. (No pre-heat required, turn over at ½ time). If using regular microwave oven, preheat at about 200 degree celsius, and roast for approximately 45 minutes, turning over at ½ time.
  • When ready, glaze with honey.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

End of life timeline

Timeline for End-of-Life Changes:

One to Three Months 
     • Decreased desire for food
     • Increased desire for sleep
     • Withdrawal from people and the environment

One to Two Weeks
    • Even more sleep
    • Confusion
    • Restlessness
    • Vision-like experiences
    • Change in temperature, respiration, pulse, and blood pressure
    • Congestion
    • Not eating

Days or Hours
    • Surge of energy
    • Decreased blood pressure
    • Glassy, teary eyes
    • Half-opened eyes
    • Irregular breathing
    • Increased restlessness
    • Cold, purple, blotchy feet and hands
    • Weak pulse
    • Decreased urine output

    • Gasping breathing
    • No awakening

Wednesday 25 November 2015

2015 PSLE results




Saturday 21 November 2015

Steamed eggs receipe

Steamed Egg

Prep Time: 3 minutes

Cook Time: 17 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 4 servings


3 eggs
Water (same volume as eggs)
Vegetable or chicken stock (same volume as eggs)
Salt, to taste
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Chopped scallion

Crack 3 eggs in a liquid measuring cup and note the volume. Pour the eggs into a large bowl, add salt, and beat for at least 1 minute. Now measure out water at the same volume as the eggs, and add it to the bowl. Do the same with the broth. Whisk in the sesame oil, and make sure everything's well combined.

Place 4 empty ramekins in a steamer over high heat. Be sure the water will not bubble and touch the ramekins during steaming. Once the water boils, turn the heat down to a slow simmer. Then, divide the egg mixture into the ramekins, pouring it through a fine mesh strainer.

Cover the steamer, turn up the heat to high, and steam for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes have elapsed, shut off the heat but keep the steamer covered. Let stand for 14 minutes with the lid firmly covered. Remove from the steamer, sprinkle with scallions, and serve.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Foods on Liquid Diet

There a number of foods and beverages your doctor will allow you to consume while on a liquid diet. Items on a clear liquid diet include plain water, chicken broth, beef broth, clear sports drinks, fruit juice without pulp, clear sodas, ice pops without fruit pieces, plain gelatin and coffee and tea without milk or creamer. 

On a full liquid diet, you can consume all of the items recommended for a clear liquid diet. You can also eat pudding, plain ice cream, strained meat, yogurt, sherbet, custard, honey, syrups, sugar, instant breakfast shakes, smoothies, milkshakes, protein supplements, cream and oatmeal. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions regarding the foods and beverages you can and cannot consume.

What is sample menu for a clear liquid diet?

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of juice, ¾ cup of clear broth, ½ cup of lemon gelatin, and 1 cup of coffee with sugar

  • Morning snack: 1 cup of a clear sports drink

  • Lunch: ½ cup of juice, ¾ cup of clear broth, ¾ cup of lemon-lime soda, and 1 popsicle (equals about 2 ounces of liquid)

  • Afternoon snack: 1 popsicle

  • Evening meal: ½ cup of juice, ¾ cup of clear broth, ¾ cup of ginger ale, ½ cup of flavored gelatin, and 1 cup of herbal tea with honey or sugar

  • Evening snack: 1 cup of flavored gelatin

What are the risks of a clear liquid diet?

The clear liquid diet does not provide all the nutrients you need. You may need to drink a nutrition supplement if you have to follow this diet for more than 3 days. If you do not follow this diet, you may continue to have diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting if you were asked to follow this diet because of these problems.

Care Agreement

Saturday 14 November 2015

Are you ready for death?

Buñuel died of pancreatic cancer in Mexico City in 1983. He spent his last week discussing theology with a Jesuit brother.

His long time friend and collaborator, Jean-Claude Carrière, wrote: “Luis waited for death for a long time, like a good Spaniard, and when he died he was ready. His relationship with death was like that one has with a woman. He felt the love, hate, tenderness, ironical detachment of a long relationship, and he didn’t want to miss the last encounter, the moment of union. ‘I hope I will die alive,’ he told me. At the end it was as he had wished. His last words were ‘I’m dying’.”

Will you be ready? Will I be ready?

There are, as I endlessly repeat, essentially four ways to die: sudden death; the long, slow death of dementia; the up and down death of organ failure, where it’s hard to identify the final going down, tempting doctors to go on treating too long; and death from cancer, where you may bang along for a long time but go down usually in weeks. Suicide, assisted or otherwise, is a fifth, but I’m leaving that on one side for now.

I often ask audiences how they want to die, and most people chose sudden death. “That may be OK for you,” I say, “but it may be very tough on those around you, particularly if you leave an important relationship wounded and unhealed. If you want to die suddenly, live every day as your last, making sure that all important relationships are in good shape, your affairs are in order, and instructions for your funeral neatly typed and in a top draw—or perhaps better on Facebook.”

The long, slow death from dementia may be the most awful as you are slowly erased, but then again when death comes it may be just a light kiss.

Death from organ failure—respiratory, cardiac, or kidney—will have you far too much in hospital and in the hands of doctors.

So death from cancer is the best, the closest to the death that Buñuel wanted and had. You can say goodbye, reflect on your life, leave last messages, perhaps visit special places for a last time, listen to favourite pieces of music, read loved poems, and prepare, according to your beliefs, to meet your maker or enjoy eternal oblivion.

This is, I recognise, a romantic view of dying, but it is achievable with love, morphine, and whisky. But stay away from overambitious oncologists, and let’s stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer, potentially leaving us to die a much more horrible death.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Cancer patients die from clots instead of from cancer

Doctors are increasingly realising that many cancer patients do not die from the cancer itself but from clots that may have been preventable. 

Shocking figures from the charity Lifeblood show that for every seven cancer patients who die in hospital, one will succumb not to the disease itself, but to pulmonary embolism, one of the main causes of death linked to blood clots. 

Campaigners are now calling for better awareness among medics and patients. 

‘If you have cancer, you’re seven times more likely to have a blood clot. For some cancers the risk is increased 28-fold,’ says Dr Simon Noble, clinical reader in palliative medicine at Cardiff University and Lifeblood’s authority on cancer-related blood clots.

Friday 6 November 2015

Foods rich in Vitamin B17

Foods rich in vitamin B17 are*: "Apple seeds, apricot kernels bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almond, blackberries, boysenberries, brewers yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, eucalyptus leaves, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, loganberries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, pecans, plum kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach and sprouts."

Read more: http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/recipes/vitaminB17.php#ixzz3qmHbmMeU

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Palliative procedures for small intestine cancer

  • Palliative procedures: In advanced cases of small intestine cancer, surgery to remove the cancer may not be an option because the disease is too widespread. To relieve symptoms such as pain and nausea caused because a tumor is blocking the small intestine, palliative surgery may be performed to help patients feel more comfortable. 

  • For example, if a tumor blocks a passage in the small intestine, surgery can be performed to insert a small tube that bypasses the tumor, creating an opening from the stomach to the other end of the small intestine or to the large intestine. This enables you to continue to eat by normal means and digest food.

Monday 2 November 2015

A letter to NUH cancer hotline


My mum Wan Soo Ha is a stage 4 rectum cancer patient. She was operated on in year 2013 to remove the tumor but the surgeon didn't do a good job in removing all the affected cancerous lymph nodes.

 She is 77 this year. Her doctor is currently Dr Ho Jing Shan from NUH cancer center. She has undergone 6 chemo sessions on folfiri last year.

This year in May, she encountered pain in her pelvis area and Dr Ho suggested to use an expensive targeted therapy drug cetuximab combined with old drug folfiri. She was asked to do 12 sessions of the chemo from July 2015. She did 5 rounds and suffered severe side effects of ulcer and rashes. She lost massive weight and weighed only 35 kg recently. Dr Ho suggested her to use the old drug folfiri for the 6th session. The old drug made her worse. She felt pain again in the stomach and pelvic area shortly 1 week after the CT scan for her 6th chemo. 

Dr Ho has suggested new chemo drugs and immunotherapy. It seems like a trial and error kind of cancer treatment. Can't the oncologist doctor in NUH make sensible decisions based on the patient's condition? It is very frustrating to see loved ones suffering from side effects of trial and error chemotherapy drugs and to know there is not much patient support being received on this advanced cancer. I still remember Dr Ho told my mum : 'What do you want me to do?' when my mum complained to her about her pain. 

My friend who was a breast cancer patient of Dr Ho. She died last year in November 2014. I have seen her lost drastic weight in August 2014 till her last days in November 2014. She went through a newly fully-sponsored chemo treatment which made her condition worse. She suffered from terrible side effects and she stopped the treatment. She went through radiation therapy when the cancer cells spread to the skull in her brain. When I last saw her last September 2014, she was still having chemotherapy. 

I am not against chemotherapy. I only hope oncologist knows when his/her patient should stop the cancer treatment and focus more on providing better patient support. If the oncologist is not sure, shouldn't there be a professor oncologist who can provide more expert advice?

I appreciate your attention to this email. It's saddening to know advanced cancer has no cure and there is no end to chemotherapy until the patient dies. 

Thursday 29 October 2015

Fried Garlic Rice

Ingredient  (Serves 1, easily)
A bowl of left-over white rice
1 beaten egg
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped. Make it three cloves if you want it more garlicky. I normally use 2 cloves. 
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
3 tablespoons of Soy Sauce
a dash of pepper
some spring onions for garnishing

Grandma only used 1 egg to fry a big portion of fried rice that serves two during olden days. But I make it 1 egg for 1 portion of rice now.

Make it three cloves if you want it more garlicky. I normally use 2 cloves if I'm cooking for one. Probably 4 to 5 cloves if I'm cooking for two. It depends on the size of the garlic too. 

1. Oil on the wok, fry garlic till fragrant. Add in rice. Stir fry it madly under high heat. Until you feel that the rice are all evenly heat up (about a minute).

2. Add in beaten eggs, stir well. Add in soy sauce & a dash of pepper.

3. Heat off. Dish up. Sprinkle some spring onions & serve. 

It's easy, comforting, and welcoming.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Genes determine exam results




















Wednesday 21 October 2015

When to stop chemo?

This is a very hard conversation to have, when the doctor acknowledges that cancer treatment is no longer achieving results. You and your father have to weigh the negative aspects of treatment, such as uncomfortable and painful side effects, against your father's need to keep seeking a cure. It's one of the moments in care giving when the role reversal is very intense -- you're going to have to be the parent in this situation, and help your father decide what's the best thing to do, just as he did with you when you were young.

The fact that your father's oncologist raised the subject is a sign that she's a good doctor. Because oncologists are in the business of curing cancer, many times they feel such a sense of failure when a patient is getting sicker that they just keep treating even when it no longer makes sense.

You could start by suggesting to your father that the two of you talk to the oncologist again and ask a few specific questions, such as, "Is continuing treatment going to make a significant difference in the progress of the cancer?" You can also ask, "If we discontinue treatment, can we expect the nausea, pain, and other discomforts to diminish?" If the doctor answers that treatment at this point won't make a big difference, but discontinuing it will improve your father's quality of life, that may help clarify the decision for both of you.

You may find that your father is more ready to talk about these big issues than you think. So often for family members it's actually their fear of bringing up difficult issues that's getting in the way, not the cancer patient's refusal to talk about them. We as a culture are death-phobic, and family members are very fearful that stopping treatment will be perceived as "giving up" on the patient, when it can be just the opposite.

Sometimes this moment can be the catalyst for a really important conversation; you could ask your father, "If you only had six months or a year to live, what would be most important to you? What can we do to make it as wonderful as possible?" I always remind people that there's a difference between hope and what we call "expectations for outcome." Just because the treatment is no longer expected to bring about a cure doesn't mean it's time to give up hope. And as time goes on, hope can be about being out of pain and suffering.

Monday 5 October 2015



  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤1


  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤2


  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤3


  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤4


  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤5


  • 98%成功的溏心水煮蛋攻略的做法 步骤6


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Something to tackle the dry cough





Sunday 13 September 2015

Tips to longevity














Tuesday 11 August 2015

Red pickled ginger receipt

Beni-shoga is ginger pickled in plum vineger (ume-zu), the brine produced when making umeboshi (pickled plum). The red color comes from red shiso (peri (…more) —Kyoko Ide

Makes 1 cup

  • 1cup ginger, peeled and thinly julineed
  • 2cups water
  • 1/2 - 2/3cups plum vinegar (ume-zu)
  1. Boil the water in a pot. Put the ginger in the boiling pot of water for 10 seconds or so, then drain (the hot cooking water is now ‘ginger tea’). 
  2. Spread the ginger and let it cool down and dry in a colander, or on paper towel (about 10-15 minutes).
  3. Put the ginger in a container and pour the plum vinegar to cover. It can be eaten after a few hours (it tastes better after a day or two, though). Store in a fridge.

Sunday 26 July 2015

SG50 celebrations


总统宣布 2015 年 8 月 7 日 (周五) 作为一个特殊的一次性 SG50 公共节日。所以,为又一个长周末干杯吧!

谁不爱这阳光明媚的小岛呢?圣淘沙,小小的度假圣地,为情侣们、 家庭和朋友们提供了各种各样刺激的活动!带上你的帽子和带给你的垫子,来享受这悠闲的海滩以及下面这些有趣的活动吧!

FREE 访客通过浮桥进入圣淘沙
FREE 下午5点以后开车或者打车进入圣淘沙(不包括法定假日,截止2015年12月31日)

8月7日: 海之颂表演,对所有人免费,记住早点来占位子啊!
8月8日: 免费进入圣淘沙鱼尾狮 (了望台),原价 $10 (成人);$7 (老人孩子)。

Science Centre Singapore新加坡科学中心
FREE 对所有人免费(包括KidsSTOP, Snow City, Human Body Experience and the Omni-Theatre)

Singapore Botanic Gardens新加坡植物园
阳光、 草地、 树木和独特植物和鲜花,你是自然 爱好者吗?快到新加坡植物园来享受绿意葱葱吧!平时虽然进入植物园免费,但是进入国家胡姬花园需要收每位成人$5.00 ,但是...

不知道你是否知道,自 2013 年,新加坡超过10个博物馆对新加坡人和永久居民免费了,它包括 — — 新加坡艺术博物馆、 新加坡国家博物馆、 亚洲文明博物馆、 土生华人博物馆、 新加坡集邮博物馆、 太阳孙中山南洋纪念馆、 马来传统文化馆,Reflections at Bukit Chandu、 国家艺术画廊和印度遗产中心。好消息,这些博物馆...

ActiveSG 游泳池及健身房
所以如果你热爱运动,愿意与您的家人在游泳池享受安静的一天,那么你会非常高兴,因为所有的 ActiveSG 游泳池和健身房会给你一个惊喜——进入这些设施......


Marina Bay Sands金沙
还没有去过滨海湾金沙 (MBS)的李显龙博物馆?不知道MBS溜冰场到底怎么样?那么现在,你有足够的理由去尝试了!因为8月7日至8月9日,你可以享受免费入场李显龙博物馆和滨海湾金沙溜冰场。你还可以以50%off的价格享受兜风舢舨!千万不要错过这个大好机会!

* 遵守条款和条件。

Jurong Bird Park裕廊鸟公园
裕廊飞禽公园是亚太区最大概念公园,有600多种不同物种的鸟类,数量超过9000只。有消息称裕廊飞禽公园可能搬到到万礼,和新加坡动物园、 河川生态园以及夜间动物园做邻居。

Garden by the Bay滨海湾花园
Flower Dome和Cloud Forest半价
Singapore Zoo, River Safari & Night Safari新加坡动物园、 河川生态园以及夜间动物园
所有的动物爱好者的好消息。8 月将是一个美妙的月份,因为从8月1日到8月31日,你都可以以优惠价前往新加坡的野生动物各个景点!
8月7日至8月10日,你可以在公园的零售商店 (仅限每位访客 1 袋,有库存情况下) 免费领取SG50动物主题编织的手提袋 (价值 $3)。此促销活动适用于新加坡的四个野生动物公园。
* 优惠门票仅供新加坡合法长期居留人士

Wild Wild Wet水上乐园
炎热的天气中没有比纵身跳入泳池更好的了。现在,你有理由这么做了。7月和8月,约上五个好友来水上乐园,你们整组可以享受 50%的折扣。
50% 折扣 水上乐园
家庭套票 $50 (2 成人 + 2 孩童). 适用于8月9日.

Singapore Sports Hub新加坡体育馆
8月7日: Sing50 音乐会 — — 本地和国际音乐人才演绎多年来深受新加坡人喜欢的标志性歌曲。 (门票可供销售)
8月8日至9日: 社区嘉年华 — — 享受从旧日的好时光到现在的本地节目、 音乐和小吃!
新加坡全岛,很多新加坡人走到一起,朋友和邻居们大家一起参加社区会举办嘉年华,迷你游行,举办社区项目,以纪念SG 50 周年,这些活动将在长周末达到高峰。

Tuesday 21 July 2015

BMW Check Engine Light is On

The Top 7 Reasons Your BMW’s Check Engine Light is On

BMW's Check Engine Light WarningThe check engine light is designed to be a way your BMW, or any vehicle, can let you know when something is not right. While it may be something simple, it is always best to give your check engine light the benefit of the double and take it seriously, before the problem escalates into expensive damage. 

Here are 7 of the most common reasons your BMW’s check engine light has come on:

1. Oxygen Sensor

This part monitors an engines air to fuel ratio by measuring the amount of free oxygen in the exhaust. There is a ratio of air and gasoline that is perfect for a vehicle, and this part helps monitor that. When this part is broken, you will begin noticing a decrease in gas mileage and it will increase emissions. Not replacing this part can break your catalytic converter, which is a much more expensive repair.

2. Gas Cap

The gas cap on your vehicle can either get lost, be loose, or have a fault that causes it to trigger your check engine light. The reason it does this is because it believes there is a leak in the Evaporative Emissions System. For most of today’s vehicles leaving the gas cap off is really not a huge issue as there is a flapper valve built into the filling system. But, you may still notice a gas smell. This can be a simple fix, do-it-yourself fix.

3. Catalytic Converter

This part works to reduce exhaust gases. It can affect gas mileage, and even exhilaration. Keeping to your BMW’s maintenance schedule should keep this part from failing, but often if parts like the oxygen sensor are broken, this can cause trouble with the catalytic converter.

4. Mass Airflow Sensor

The mass airflow sensor on your vehicle tells your car’s computer to add the right amount of fuel based on the air coming into the engine. This is another part than can affect gas mileage if it is faulty. Replacing the air filter at least once a year is the best way to prevent the airflow sensor from failing.

5. Spark Plugs and Wires

These parts seal the combustion chamber and initiates the combustion to your engine. You might notice if these are failing, as you will feel a jolt in acceleration. These parts have to be replaced occasionally. Again, if you are following your BMW’s recommended schedule you should be fine. If not, you need to replace them quickly to prevent more costly damage. This is also a very simple fix, and many opt to do it themselves in a pinch.

6. Fuel Injector

This part is responsible for getting gas into the engine the correct way. They usually last a fair amount of time, ideally as long as the car does, but they do fail. This is often do to circumstances out of your control, but measures like regularly changing the fuel filter help increase the life of the fuel injector.

7. Head Gasket

Signs of a blown head gasket include engine overheating, coolant mixed with the vehicle’s oil, low coolant levels, and/or sweet smelling white smoke coming from the exhaust pipe. Yet these are not scientific. Depending on the type of failure and vehicle, the symptoms will appear differently. Before assuming this is the issue, it is best to consult with a mechanic to ensure this is truly the case.

When your BMW’s check engine light comes on, that is a warning sign that there is something wrong. By knowing these most common issues ruling out simpler and less threatening dangers like a faulty gas cap can help speed up your repair process. Just remember, when in doubt, it is best to take it for an expert opinion. Schedule your appointment or give us a call at 972-758-7576 if you have any questions or concerns about your BMW.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Most healthy 50 foods

6月3日報導 外媒稱,哪些食物是最有益人體健康的“超級食物”,這個話題一直被熱炒,並且其熱度絲毫沒有退去的跡象。然而,專家認為,食物並不存在好壞之分,關鍵在於飲食習慣和飲食結構是否健康。 



























































































菜豆的原產地是美洲的秘魯和墨西哥。早在2000年前就被人類當作食物。 《聖經》中曾多次提到菜豆。菜豆是含鐵量最高的豆類,還含有豐富的維生素B,因此能夠預防貧血。此外,由於其纖維素含量很高,所以有助於降低膽固醇水平和緩解便秘。 











Thursday 21 May 2015

Keeping Birthday Cakes fresh






Wednesday 6 May 2015



佛说疗痔病经 (原文)
(2 3 4表示读音的声调)
这是全文。平时可一直只念。『治癌咒』 『怛侄他 頞阑帝 頞蓝谜 室利鞞 室里室里 磨羯失质 三婆跋睹 莎诃』
* 每天至少念一次经文《佛说疗痔病经》,诵持21遍咒,可消除病苦灾难。
* 如遇病痛时须以一杯净水供于佛前,读诵受持一遍经文,随念108遍咒,
* 切记:供奉佛祖之净水杯,凡人不可使用。

Thursday 30 April 2015

Korean pickled white radish

Main Ingredients

  • 5 Cups Korean Radish (About 1½ lb)
  • ⅓ Cup White Vinegar
  • ⅓ Cup Water
  • ⅓ Cup White Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt



Peel the Korean radish.


Slice the radish into ½ inch slices.


Cut the radish into ½ inch cubes.


Mix ⅓ cup of white vinegar, ⅓ cup of water, and ⅓ cup of white sugar, and 1 tsp of salt in a mixing bowl until the sugar dissolves. It is important to use white vinegar. Flavored vinegar will change the taste. You can add more sugar or vinegar; however, with my experimentation, a 1:1:1 ratio for the vinegar, water, and sugar tastes the most delicious.


Mix in the radish.


Put it in wide bottomed container and leave it at room temperature overnight. Then place it in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days before serving.


It not only tastes good with Korean fried chicken, but it tastes great with other greasy food as well. I will post the Korean fried chicken recipe soon. :) Enjoy! Tonight for supper, we ate KFC popcorn chicken with this pickled radish. It was delicious. :) If you feel lazy to make fried chicken, eat this with KFC chicken instead. 😉 You will love it. hehe