Tuesday 11 August 2015

Red pickled ginger receipt

Beni-shoga is ginger pickled in plum vineger (ume-zu), the brine produced when making umeboshi (pickled plum). The red color comes from red shiso (peri (…more) —Kyoko Ide

Makes 1 cup

  • 1cup ginger, peeled and thinly julineed
  • 2cups water
  • 1/2 - 2/3cups plum vinegar (ume-zu)
  1. Boil the water in a pot. Put the ginger in the boiling pot of water for 10 seconds or so, then drain (the hot cooking water is now ‘ginger tea’). 
  2. Spread the ginger and let it cool down and dry in a colander, or on paper towel (about 10-15 minutes).
  3. Put the ginger in a container and pour the plum vinegar to cover. It can be eaten after a few hours (it tastes better after a day or two, though). Store in a fridge.

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