Thursday 30 April 2015

Korean pickled white radish

Main Ingredients

  • 5 Cups Korean Radish (About 1½ lb)
  • ⅓ Cup White Vinegar
  • ⅓ Cup Water
  • ⅓ Cup White Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt



Peel the Korean radish.


Slice the radish into ½ inch slices.


Cut the radish into ½ inch cubes.


Mix ⅓ cup of white vinegar, ⅓ cup of water, and ⅓ cup of white sugar, and 1 tsp of salt in a mixing bowl until the sugar dissolves. It is important to use white vinegar. Flavored vinegar will change the taste. You can add more sugar or vinegar; however, with my experimentation, a 1:1:1 ratio for the vinegar, water, and sugar tastes the most delicious.


Mix in the radish.


Put it in wide bottomed container and leave it at room temperature overnight. Then place it in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 days before serving.


It not only tastes good with Korean fried chicken, but it tastes great with other greasy food as well. I will post the Korean fried chicken recipe soon. :) Enjoy! Tonight for supper, we ate KFC popcorn chicken with this pickled radish. It was delicious. :) If you feel lazy to make fried chicken, eat this with KFC chicken instead. 😉 You will love it. hehe

Monday 27 April 2015

Where does cancer spread?

The most common sites of cancer metastasis are, in alphabetical order, the bone, liver, and lung. Although most cancers have the ability to spread to many different parts of the body, they usually spread to one site more often than others. The following table shows the most common sites of metastasis, excluding the lymph nodes, for several types of cancer:

Cancer typeMain sites of metastasis*
BladderBone, liver, lung
BreastBone, brain, liver, lung
ColorectalLiver, lung, peritoneum
KidneyAdrenal gland, bone, brain, liver, lung
LungAdrenal gland, bone, brain, liver, other lung
MelanomaBone, brain, liver, lung, skin/muscle
OvaryLiver, lung, peritoneum
PancreasLiver, lung, peritoneum
ProstateAdrenal gland, bone, liver, lung
StomachLiver, lung, peritoneum
ThyroidBone, liver, lung
UterusBone, liver, lung, peritoneum, vagina

*In alphabetical order. Brain includes the neural tissue of the brain (parenchyma) and the leptomeninges (the two innermost membranes—arachnoid mater and pia mater—of the three membranes known as the meninges that surround the brain and spinal cord; the space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater contains cerebrospinal fluid). Lung includes the main part of the lung (parenchyma) as well as the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity).

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own insulin-producing pancreatic cells.

 Most patients must be treated with insulin for their entire lives to prevent the blood sugar glucose from reaching levels that damage tissues and threaten life. 

Although Type 1 diabetes accounts for only 5 per cent to 10 per cent of all diabetes cases, it usually affects many more years of patients’ lives than the Type 2 variety.

Long called juvenile diabetes because the majority of cases are diagnosed in children and teenagers, Type 1 diabetes can also start in adulthood, prompting the name change to Type 1.

Unlike the more gradual onset of Type 2 diabetes, the signs and symptoms of Type 1 diabetes often develop rather quickly. 

They can include increased thirst, frequent urination and bed-wetting in children who previously did not do that. 

Other signs include extreme hunger, unintentional weight loss, irritability, fatigue, weakness, blurred vision, and in women and girls, vaginal yeast infection.

The disease is diagnosed by blood tests for glucose and a substance called A1C, which indicates blood glucose levels over time. 

It is true that a high level of psychological stress in families has been associated with an increased risk of obesity, which can raise insulin resistance and a greater demand for the hormone. 

But the new study, published in the journal Diabetologia, took body mass index into account, suggesting that being overweight did not influence a child’s risk of developing Type 1 diabetes.

Keeping blood glucose levels as near to normal as possible through injections of insulin or use of an insulin pump, along with controlled diet and exercise, is the surest way to prevent or delay complications of Type 1 diabetes. 


Thursday 16 April 2015

Extra virgin olive oil is good for cooking

The only olive oil I recommend is extra virgin olive oil.

It is derived from the first pressing of the olives and contains numerous bioactive substances, including powerful antioxidants and Vitamin E.

Vitamin E's main purpose is functioning as an antioxidant within the body. There, it helps fight free radicals that can cause damaging chain reactions in our cell membranes.

Because olive oil is high in antioxidants and Vitamin E, it has quite a bit of natural protection from oxidative damage.

Bottom Line: Olive oil contains Vitamin E and many powerful antioxidants. These substances protect the oil from damage during high heat cooking.

Olive Oil is Resistant to Oxidative Damage

Saturday 11 April 2015

Healthy meals for a day



★ 早餐:番薯粥 + 煮鸡蛋 + 培根两片


★ 午餐:糙米饭 + 冬瓜薏米排骨汤 + 酸奶水果沙拉


★ 晚餐:番茄蘑菇意大利面 + 菊花枸杞红枣茶
