Wednesday 1 January 2014

Making Whip Cream

What You Need:

whisk, large bowl, heavy whipping cream, confectioners' or granulated sugar

Follow These Four Easy Steps:

  1. How To: Whip Cream Step 11Cool your cream

    Start with cream straight from the fridge: The colder it is, the easier and faster it’ll be to whip. Pour the cream into your bowl.

    Tip: One cup of whipping cream makes about two cups of whipped cream.

  2. How To: Whip Cream Step 22Use a whisk to begin whipping the cream

    Using a whisk, begin whipping with wide strokes, which will get more air into the cream and help fluff it up it faster. Switch directions every so often.

  3. How To: Whip Cream Step 33Add sugar

    When the cream starts to thicken, just before soft peaks form, add sugar and continue to whip. A good rule of thumb is 2 tablespoons of sugar for every cup of cream; adjust the sweetness to your own taste. 

    Tip: In a hurry? Powdery confectioners’ sugar dissolves faster.

  4. How To: Whip Cream Step 44Continue whipping and watch for soft peaks

    Continue beating the mixture until soft peaks form. You can whip until the cream makes stiffer peaks if desired, but be careful: You don’t want to turn the mixture to butter.

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