Sunday 26 July 2015

SG50 celebrations


总统宣布 2015 年 8 月 7 日 (周五) 作为一个特殊的一次性 SG50 公共节日。所以,为又一个长周末干杯吧!

谁不爱这阳光明媚的小岛呢?圣淘沙,小小的度假圣地,为情侣们、 家庭和朋友们提供了各种各样刺激的活动!带上你的帽子和带给你的垫子,来享受这悠闲的海滩以及下面这些有趣的活动吧!

FREE 访客通过浮桥进入圣淘沙
FREE 下午5点以后开车或者打车进入圣淘沙(不包括法定假日,截止2015年12月31日)

8月7日: 海之颂表演,对所有人免费,记住早点来占位子啊!
8月8日: 免费进入圣淘沙鱼尾狮 (了望台),原价 $10 (成人);$7 (老人孩子)。

Science Centre Singapore新加坡科学中心
FREE 对所有人免费(包括KidsSTOP, Snow City, Human Body Experience and the Omni-Theatre)

Singapore Botanic Gardens新加坡植物园
阳光、 草地、 树木和独特植物和鲜花,你是自然 爱好者吗?快到新加坡植物园来享受绿意葱葱吧!平时虽然进入植物园免费,但是进入国家胡姬花园需要收每位成人$5.00 ,但是...

不知道你是否知道,自 2013 年,新加坡超过10个博物馆对新加坡人和永久居民免费了,它包括 — — 新加坡艺术博物馆、 新加坡国家博物馆、 亚洲文明博物馆、 土生华人博物馆、 新加坡集邮博物馆、 太阳孙中山南洋纪念馆、 马来传统文化馆,Reflections at Bukit Chandu、 国家艺术画廊和印度遗产中心。好消息,这些博物馆...

ActiveSG 游泳池及健身房
所以如果你热爱运动,愿意与您的家人在游泳池享受安静的一天,那么你会非常高兴,因为所有的 ActiveSG 游泳池和健身房会给你一个惊喜——进入这些设施......


Marina Bay Sands金沙
还没有去过滨海湾金沙 (MBS)的李显龙博物馆?不知道MBS溜冰场到底怎么样?那么现在,你有足够的理由去尝试了!因为8月7日至8月9日,你可以享受免费入场李显龙博物馆和滨海湾金沙溜冰场。你还可以以50%off的价格享受兜风舢舨!千万不要错过这个大好机会!

* 遵守条款和条件。

Jurong Bird Park裕廊鸟公园
裕廊飞禽公园是亚太区最大概念公园,有600多种不同物种的鸟类,数量超过9000只。有消息称裕廊飞禽公园可能搬到到万礼,和新加坡动物园、 河川生态园以及夜间动物园做邻居。

Garden by the Bay滨海湾花园
Flower Dome和Cloud Forest半价
Singapore Zoo, River Safari & Night Safari新加坡动物园、 河川生态园以及夜间动物园
所有的动物爱好者的好消息。8 月将是一个美妙的月份,因为从8月1日到8月31日,你都可以以优惠价前往新加坡的野生动物各个景点!
8月7日至8月10日,你可以在公园的零售商店 (仅限每位访客 1 袋,有库存情况下) 免费领取SG50动物主题编织的手提袋 (价值 $3)。此促销活动适用于新加坡的四个野生动物公园。
* 优惠门票仅供新加坡合法长期居留人士

Wild Wild Wet水上乐园
炎热的天气中没有比纵身跳入泳池更好的了。现在,你有理由这么做了。7月和8月,约上五个好友来水上乐园,你们整组可以享受 50%的折扣。
50% 折扣 水上乐园
家庭套票 $50 (2 成人 + 2 孩童). 适用于8月9日.

Singapore Sports Hub新加坡体育馆
8月7日: Sing50 音乐会 — — 本地和国际音乐人才演绎多年来深受新加坡人喜欢的标志性歌曲。 (门票可供销售)
8月8日至9日: 社区嘉年华 — — 享受从旧日的好时光到现在的本地节目、 音乐和小吃!
新加坡全岛,很多新加坡人走到一起,朋友和邻居们大家一起参加社区会举办嘉年华,迷你游行,举办社区项目,以纪念SG 50 周年,这些活动将在长周末达到高峰。

Tuesday 21 July 2015

BMW Check Engine Light is On

The Top 7 Reasons Your BMW’s Check Engine Light is On

BMW's Check Engine Light WarningThe check engine light is designed to be a way your BMW, or any vehicle, can let you know when something is not right. While it may be something simple, it is always best to give your check engine light the benefit of the double and take it seriously, before the problem escalates into expensive damage. 

Here are 7 of the most common reasons your BMW’s check engine light has come on:

1. Oxygen Sensor

This part monitors an engines air to fuel ratio by measuring the amount of free oxygen in the exhaust. There is a ratio of air and gasoline that is perfect for a vehicle, and this part helps monitor that. When this part is broken, you will begin noticing a decrease in gas mileage and it will increase emissions. Not replacing this part can break your catalytic converter, which is a much more expensive repair.

2. Gas Cap

The gas cap on your vehicle can either get lost, be loose, or have a fault that causes it to trigger your check engine light. The reason it does this is because it believes there is a leak in the Evaporative Emissions System. For most of today’s vehicles leaving the gas cap off is really not a huge issue as there is a flapper valve built into the filling system. But, you may still notice a gas smell. This can be a simple fix, do-it-yourself fix.

3. Catalytic Converter

This part works to reduce exhaust gases. It can affect gas mileage, and even exhilaration. Keeping to your BMW’s maintenance schedule should keep this part from failing, but often if parts like the oxygen sensor are broken, this can cause trouble with the catalytic converter.

4. Mass Airflow Sensor

The mass airflow sensor on your vehicle tells your car’s computer to add the right amount of fuel based on the air coming into the engine. This is another part than can affect gas mileage if it is faulty. Replacing the air filter at least once a year is the best way to prevent the airflow sensor from failing.

5. Spark Plugs and Wires

These parts seal the combustion chamber and initiates the combustion to your engine. You might notice if these are failing, as you will feel a jolt in acceleration. These parts have to be replaced occasionally. Again, if you are following your BMW’s recommended schedule you should be fine. If not, you need to replace them quickly to prevent more costly damage. This is also a very simple fix, and many opt to do it themselves in a pinch.

6. Fuel Injector

This part is responsible for getting gas into the engine the correct way. They usually last a fair amount of time, ideally as long as the car does, but they do fail. This is often do to circumstances out of your control, but measures like regularly changing the fuel filter help increase the life of the fuel injector.

7. Head Gasket

Signs of a blown head gasket include engine overheating, coolant mixed with the vehicle’s oil, low coolant levels, and/or sweet smelling white smoke coming from the exhaust pipe. Yet these are not scientific. Depending on the type of failure and vehicle, the symptoms will appear differently. Before assuming this is the issue, it is best to consult with a mechanic to ensure this is truly the case.

When your BMW’s check engine light comes on, that is a warning sign that there is something wrong. By knowing these most common issues ruling out simpler and less threatening dangers like a faulty gas cap can help speed up your repair process. Just remember, when in doubt, it is best to take it for an expert opinion. Schedule your appointment or give us a call at 972-758-7576 if you have any questions or concerns about your BMW.